Working Together for Girls' and Women's Safety in Public Spaces: Lessons from India

Working Together for Girls' and Women's Safety in Public Spaces: Lessons from India [LINK]

There is increased awareness of the scope and impact of violence against women and girls (VAWG) in public spaces. It limits their participation in public life and jeopardizes their access to educational and livelihood opportunities and their ability to access services. There is also growing global advocacy on the value of safe and inclusive public spaces as a social good and the need for public officials to work with civil society and the private sector to create and ensure access to such spaces.

This report offers a framework of the key domains through which stakeholders across diverse movements and sectors can prevent and respond to VAWG in public spaces, and captures lessons learned from particular interventions in each domain. Finally, it offers overarching insights and recommendations on how stakeholdersĀ can work together to effectively prevent and respond to VAWG in public spaces.

June 2019




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