To increase economic opportunities for girls and women and better meet their health, education and safety needs, the 3D Program Documents, Drives and Delivers.
Global, national and local evidence on what works to address complex, interrelated issues such as economic empowerment and public safety.
Evidence on the status of girls and women, existing programs, resources, actors, opportunities and challenges in our program sites.
Evidence and experiences on what drives stakeholders and sectors to work together.
Our story
on diverse platforms to assess and share lessons learned.
Key government
departments, including health, education, rural development and women and child development, to work together.
Stakeholders across government, civil society and the private sector to strategically align programming.
Community collectives to strengthen girls' and women's voices in holding government accountable for effective solutions.
Resources to fund and support sustained convergent action.
Convergent district and municipal plans and programs with improved capacity to serve girls and women.
Processes for girls and women to participate in and monitor government programs.
Commitments by stakeholders across sectors to ensure sustainability.
Better outcomes for girls and women in health, education, economic empowerment and public safety.